Pacynka PONs

My  love for dogs was passed to me from my grandparents and my parents.

I remember as a small child playing with a big Polish Tatara dog. He was always gentle with kids but  standoff-ish to the strangers. This big gentle giant kept company to my grandparents and my parents and I, who lived with two Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON) in Krakow, Poland.

Our PONs came from the founder of the breed: Mrs. Danuta Hryniewicz. They were Ch. Kalina Rawipon and Laszka z Kordegardy. They gave us numerous beautiful puppies, some of the most famous are: International Ch. Wiwiat Pacynak – (Winner of Europe and World Show), Ch. Sultan Pacynka, Ch. Rem Pacynka and Wena Pacynka.

These champions became the foundation of many European and American PONS kennels.
I have been an active member of the American Polish Owczarek Nizinny Club for 25 years.

Who we are...

Contact me:

Tel: 847.208.7762
email: Pacynka

Park Ridge, IL 60068, USA